Mr. Roberto J Martinez Rosales is a 58-year-old Salvadoran refugee who arrived in the US on February 13th, 2024. Roberto is his six-year-old grandson's legal guardian and lives with his family of four. He was a tailor for 35 years while living in Salvador; he dreams of continuing his career as a seamster for as long as possible. Despite having faced several health challenges, such as diabetes and two heart attack episodes, he is determined and eager to work to support his family.
Finding a suitable job for Roberto due to his age and health condition was a challenge. Moreover, he does not speak English. After consistently doing a job search for him, our Refugee Services employment team secured a job interview for him at a uniform company where they needed a production/sewing operator. The Employer admired Roberto’s disposition and positive attitude, so they offered him a full-time job with a $14.50 per hour salary.
Roberto was thrilled about this opportunity and accepted the job offer. There is no public transit near where he lives. Therefore, he has been using Uber every day to commute to work. His employer has given us positive feedback about his work performance. Since becoming employed with them, he has not missed a day at work for several months. This story exemplifies individuals who strive for success despite facing barriers and challenges.

On October 3rd, LSS had the pleasure of presenting Mr. Rosales with the car donated by the Danford Family. His wife and grandson accompanied him during his meeting at LSS, sharing in the excitement on how this donation would change their lives. As LSS showed Mr. and Ms. Rosales how to use the key fob of the new car, his grandson eagerly climbed through the car with a broad smile across his face.

The Martinez family is grateful for the support of Lutheran Social Services and will never forget everything they have done for him and his family. Thanks to this life-changing donation, Mr. Martinez can commute to and from work and run other essential errands for his family. This incredible act of kindness has impacted his life and others in his community. He plans to help his neighbors who may find themselves in similar situations that he once did.
One act of kindness can inspire others to follow your example, creating a chain reaction of good deeds that can change lives. We ask that you help us spread the kindness you wish to see in the world by giving back to others in need. We offer several ways to uplift our community and help those in need through volunteer opportunities that the whole family can participate in. If one of our five programs align with the change you wish to create in our community, you can support that initiative directly by donating today.